Friday, 29 May 2020

Week 6 and 7 Hometasks

Hello Year 1 & 2 
I hope you are all safe and well and have had a lovely time enjoying the beautiful sunshine!   
I hope you are all feeling refreshed after our half term break and ready to start on our new tasks. 
For the next two weeks our theme is going to be Superheroes!  I know that you will produce great work because you have already been completing tasks like Superheroes!  I’d love to see all your Super-writing and Super-maths tasks.  Don’t forget you can upload photographs and chat with your friends when you log into HWB.  New tasks will be available on My Maths. 
  Thank you again for all your support, you are doing a great job in very difficult circumstances and we are extremely grateful. 
Stay safe 
Mrs Sheppeard 

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Week 5 Hometasks-Please scroll down to see the grids

Hello Year 1 & 2
I hope you are all safe and well, it has been lovely chatting to you all over the past few weeks and I’ll continue to keep in touch on the telephone.
Thank you for engaging with all the home learning tasks.  I love seeing all your photographs and looking at all the fantastic work you are completing at home.
These are difficult times but everybody is doing so well to remain positive and enthusiastic about home learning and I am so proud of what you have all achieved so far.
This week our focus is going to be keeping safe online.  All of us are using the internet to work and play and it is very important that we all know how to stay safe when we are using computers/tablets/phones etc.  We have talked about internet safety in school so this week’s tasks are a reminder to everybody about how to use the internet safely.
Parents, thank you so much for all your support, you are doing a great job in very difficult circumstances and we are extremely grateful.
Stay safe
Mrs Sheppeard
Click here to view the document in full
Some of you may be having problems accessing the Buddys Powerpoint please bare with us as we are currently looking into it.

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Weeks 3 and 4 Hometasks - please scroll down the page to see the grids

Homework for Year 1/2

Hello Everyone,
I hope you are all safe and well and I know you are working hard at
home! I have really enjoyed looking through HWB and seeing all the
lovely work you have been completing.
I have read some great writing - facts about your family, letters to your
friends and family, recipes. Also you have been able to create pictograms
about favourite foods. Some of you have been able to upload
photographs of the things you have been making. I have seen pictures of
the most beautiful cakes, musical instruments, cards and craft work you
have created! What a talented class!
We are uploading the next homework grid which will be available from
Monday. There are two activities for you to try and complete each day.
You have all been given your HWB and My Maths user names and
passwords, but if you are having difficulty please e-mail us on
Please remember to save your work when you are using HWB. If I
comment on a piece of work you are able to reply to me when you click
on the speech bubble.
Keep trying to do the ‘Daily Five’ activities if possible. These are reading,
maths practise, keep fit, being creative and celebrating something you
have done well.
On our class page there are a range of websites that you could use to
access games and apps.
Stay safe
Mrs Sheppeard